Mawaqif Parking Rules in Abu Dhabi
This TV Commercial was produced by Doleep Studios to announce the all new Mawaqif Parking Rules implemented by the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport (DoT) hat both visitors and residents should know and follow.
The paid parking system of the capital city, Mawaqif, makes finding a parking spot in the city easier and faster. Aside from a few exceptions, motorists need to pay a particular fee for parking in Abu Dhabi.
Are you wondering how Mawaqif works? Or how much do you have to pay for parking near your office or home? If yes, then read on as we have covered everything you need to know about parking in Abu Dhabi.
Mawaqif is a public parking system implemented by the Department of Transport in Abu Dhabi. All public parking zones in the emirate are paid zones. However, free parking in Abu Dhabi is available on Fridays and national holidays. There are thousands of parking meters installed throughout the city ensuring easy access to parking spaces in the city.